Friday, October 1, 2010


Lately these days, Ive seen so many people depressed. These past few days, Ive been using my holidays to help these people. Some were depressed from holiday boredom, yet some were sad because they were either dumped or dumped someone.

When you fall in love with someone, its like its the best thing thats happened to you. You spend the next few weeks, maybe months, obsessing over them. Sometimes, usually most of the time, this all ends in tragedy and either way everyone becomes sad.

One of the relationships that ended was one of the saddest things I ever saw in my life and it wasnt because they were a cute couple or that they were so obsessed with each other, it was because how it affected them both. The girl, who I am pretty close to, stayed sad for more than 1 week. She cried for no reason and started hating herself. The boy on the other hand, did cry once, and it was the first time he cried in one year. I couldnt stand looking at him, he was so sad. Me and my other friend, did know wat was going between them before they broke up. If you two ever see this blog, Im sorry I used you two as an example, and I wish you two luck in the future.

One of my closest friends once told me, love requires trust. How can it survive without it? If there is no trust, the relationship will crumble, end in tragedy, end with tears..

I must admit, I have been through all this.. When I worry about my boyfriend, I lose hope, lose happiness. I have no idea why, but I thought my boyfriend didnt love me anymore, he wanted to avoid me.. I spent my whole lunchtime, being sad, crying.. I worried my friends and made them sad as well..

Just remember... Never expect anything back from love, never stop trying, just remember that there is that perfect guy for you, dont stop trying to find him/her. And if you have found him/her, I wish you the best of luck, never let go.